Order Cordulus Farm

Cordulus Weather Station With Blue Sky

With Cordulus Farm, you get your own weather station with access through our mobile app. Lifetime warranty and support included - all at a fixed annual price.

What's included?
Fully wireless, solar-powered weather station
Full access to the Cordulus Farm app
Access to 5 other weather stations in the network
Lifetime warranty, service and support

+ £360 one-time start-up fee


Place your order

Enter your shipping and invoicing details and place your order.


Order is confirmed

Our team will check that everything is in order and you will receive a confirmation by email.


Receive and set up

Your Cordulus weather station is shipped by courier and will arrive within a few days. Install it and connect it to the app, and you're good to go!

Want to know more?

Your local contact at Soames Engineering:

Name : Julian Brightwell

Phone: 01379 384488

Email : jb@cordulus.com

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First level UK support Julian Brightwell